

ibec now offers professional assistance with your writing: letters, memos, reports, etc. Work one-on-one with a native English speaker to make sure your documents are clear and error-free. We can help you completely restructure your writing at the outline, paragraph and/or sentence level…or we can do light proofreading to catch the little mistakes—including typos—you might have missed.


You have two options when using this service: 1) you can bring the document to class and go over it with the teacher, or 2) you can e-mail the document in advance, giving the teacher time to prepare questions and suggestions before you arrive. (The latter is recommended for long, complex papers that cannot be read in class quickly—but the choice is yours.)

Either way, the editor/teacher will ask questions about anything that is confusing and help you rewrite it more clearly; show you any errors and suggest ways to correct them; and make other appropriate suggestions, such as changes in style (formal/informal), structure (outline of body), or format (headings, signatures, etc.). The proofreader/teacher will look for grammatical and typographical errors and correct them.

Whether teachers edit or proofread, along with the length and number of classes, is determined on a case-by-case basis. Our service varies according to your needs.